Monday 15 October 2012

Misty Monday V

Man from the South is a Roald Dahl story filmed by Alfred Hitchcock (1960 with Steve mc Queen). But it's also the alias of Dutch singer/songwriter Paul van Hulten.
And he made a beautiful debut album called "Koblenz". He made this melancholic album with some friends in 2009 and initially it was supposed to be a kind of therapeutic album, not made for any audiance or with any ambitions but purely for himself. But after some time a friend heard it and he was floored, told it to other friends and the train was gone. And I can imagine. This 10 song CD doesn't belong on a dusty shelf. Listen for example to this song "Welcome to Camacua". or the opening song "William", a perfect misty mondaysong to start the week with. ~I don't know what that feeling is, but I guess that's what this album is really about. I call it the twilight."~ Paul van Hulten said about his album and that's a good conclusion, it's twilight. Here's the bandcamp link to his full but support him please because I like to hear more MFTS in the future.

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